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Nouns sort into five different groups. The group determines the plural ending in the indefinite from as well as how to make the noun definite in singular and plural.

In most cases it is possible to determine to what group a noun belongs by looking at it in the singular indefinite from Groups 1-3 are all 'en-words', i.e. they have the indefinite article 'en'. Among these group 1 always ends in an -a in the singular indefinite from e.g. en blomma.

Groups 4-5 are all 'ett-words', having the indefinite article 'ett' in the singular indefinite form. In group 4 all nouns end in a vowel (e.g. ett äpple) and in group 5 all nouns end in a consonant (e.g. ett liv).

In other words, there is only ambiguity between groups 2 and 3 since both are 'en-words' and do not generally end in a specific way (e.g. en katt and en stol.

Group 1 contains nouns with the indefinite article en and end in an -a in the singular indefinite form, e.g. en kvinna. In the plural group 1 nouns ends in -or. Note how the final -a is dropped in the plural and definite forms.

Since the indefinite form already ends in a vowel (-a) the singular definite form is made by adding an -n, as seen below. In the plural definite form the ending is -na. This ending for the plural definite form is common to groups 1-4, with group 5 as an exception.

Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
en penna pennan pennor pennorna
en tavla tavlan tavlor tavlorna
en soffa soffan soffor sofforna
en blomma blomman blommor blommorna

Group 2 contains nouns with the indefinite article en. There is no absolute rule to distinguish group 2 from group 3 below, but there are some general guidelines. Nouns in this group tend to be short words with one or two syllables. In the plural group 2 nouns ends in -ar.

There are however some absolute rules. All nouns with the article en and ending in -ing (e.g. en ring) as well as nouns with the article en ending with an unstressed -e (e.g. en pojke), belong to this group. Examples of these are marked with an asterisk (*) below. Note how nouns of the type en pojke looses its -e in all but the singular indefinite form.

Since the indefinite singular form ends in a consonant, the singular definite form is made by adding -en to the indefinite form. The plural definite ending is -na, just as for groups 1, 3 and 4.

Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
en bil bilen bilar bilarna
en ost osten ostar ostarna
*en tidning tidningen tidningar tidningarna
*en bulle bullen bullar bullarna

Group 3 contains nouns with the indefinite article en. There is no absolute rule to distinguish group 3 from group 2 above, but there are some general guidelines. Nouns in this group tend to be loan words, i.e. words that are common to other languages.

Nouns in this group are also longer than nouns in group 2, usually with two or more syllables. Examples of internationally recognized words that fall into this category are en banan, en polis and en station.

Just as in group 2, the ending -en is added to the singular indefinite form to make the noun definite. The plural definite ending is -na just as in groups 1, 2 and 4.

Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
en adress adressen adresser adresserna
en telefon telefonen telefoner telefonerna
en gitarr gitarren gitarrer gitarrerna
en katt katten katter katterna

In group 4 the nouns all have 'ett' as the indefinite article and all end in a vowel.

Since the indefinte from ends in a vowel, only a -t is added to make the definte singular form. With the plural indefinite form ending in -n, the plural definite from ends in -na, just as in group 1, 2 and 3.

Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
ett äpple äpplet äpplen äpplena
ett konto kontot konton kontona
ett frimärke frimärket frimärken frimärkena
ett täcke täcket täcken täckena

In group 5 the nouns all have 'ett' as the indefinite article and all end in a consonant. The singular and plural indefinite forms are the same in this group.

The definite form singular is made by adding the ending -et. Uniquely for this group, the plural definite form ends in -en.

There is a subgroup of nouns in this group that look the same in singular and in plural. These nouns are 'en-words' and have the ending -are. Examples of these are marked with an asterisk (*) below.

Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
ett träd trädet träd träden
ett barn barnet barn barnen
ett bord bordet bord borden
ett hus huset hus husen
*en läkare läkaren läkare läkarna
*en hammare hammaren hammare hammarna

There are a number of irregular plurals in Swedish. Although they are not many, some are very common.

A common characteristic of irregular nouns is that there is a vowel change from singular to plural. Most irregular nouns are 'en-words' and end in -er in the plural indefinite, although there are exceptions.

Below are examples of some of the most common irregular nouns.

Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
en bok boken böcker böckerna
en stad staden städer städerna
ett land landet länder länderna
en hand handen händer händerna
en fot foten fötter fötterna
en bror brodern bröder bröderna
en man mannen män männen
Write the correct plural from of the given noun.

Exempel: en stol stolar

Indefinite form singular Indefinite form plural
en skola skolor
ett träd träd
en glass glassar
en lampa lampor
en ost ostar
ett täcke täcken
en pojke pojkar
en polis poliser
en säng sängar
en lärare lärare

Choose between perfekt and pluskvamperfekt in the sentences below.

Exempel: Peter hade städat när gästerna kom. [städa]

1. Du har ätit.

2. Alla barn måste/(behöver) gå i skolan i Sverige

3. Hon kan prata franska men inte tyska.

4. Man får inte röka i skolan.

5. Vi ska åka till Stockholm imorgon.

6. Jag vill inte äta pizza. Jag vill äta hambugare.

7. Du behöver(/måste) köpa nya skor. Dina skor är sönder.

8. Jag orkar(/kan) inte lyfta lådan. Den är för tung. (åka/åker)

9. Han börjar jobba klockan 8 och slutar klockan 12.

10. Babyn försöker(/vill) äta själv men han är för liten.